In late March, a group of artists and talent that are part of the amazing creative community called The Gypsy Shack Collective (@tgscollective) got to disconnect from social media and hang out, create, and work on ourselves as artists up at a cute little AirBnB CEO Alex Morehouse (@chiefwolfblood) found as a space to stay for the weekend. From learning and growing as individuals and as a whole, to hanging out and building friendship and bonding over The Office and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, it turned out to be something wonderful, something all of us should do more often. We get so obsessed with scrolling on our phones, that we miss building real connections with people we have been blessed to have in our real lives. If there was something I learned from that weekend, was to appreciate the friends you have and the people you have yet to meet, focus on your dreams, and make them reality. Below you can find the full gallery from the weekend as a whole (click the photos for the full gallery on Flickr), and be sure to follow everyone on their socials! (See below for their usernames)

Models: @chiefwolfblood, @kirpasudick, @paolanieblaa, @clairealydean. Makeup: @kyrstamua
Thanks for taking the time to check out my site, and leave a comment below of what you think of the idea of having a weekend getaway. What's your dream spot you would go to right now to get away from everything?
Be sure to follow me on my socials @maxbakerphoto if you don't already, and follow the amazing talent from this weekend!