I like me better when I'm with you. Does that ring a bell? You might have heard it once or twice while on your commute to work, or out at a party on a Friday night. And if you haven't heard it yet, where have you been? San Francisco native Lauv has been slowly but surely taking over the radio airwaves with his hit single I Like Me Better, and has finally released his debut album entitled I met you when I was 18. (the playlist), originally known as a playlist collection of songs of love and heartbreak listeners could find on Spotify or similar music platforms. When talking about the long journey behind the story of I met you when I was 18., Lauv says, "I thought I was just going to be writing/producing songs for other artists. But I kept putting songs out to express myself, and eventually that turned into this playlist...(it's) a project that helped me sort through being in love for the first time and figuring out the person I wanted to become." The full statement can be found on his twitter.
photo by @rickydirects
With 17 tracks (!!) fans can listen to (and quite possibly either sob or dance to - maybe both), there is no doubt that the rhythmic beats and soulful vocalizations will make you bob your head and save the entire LP to your favorites, like, right now. If you aren't listening to it by now, what are you doing with your life?
We're introduced to this story with the single I Like Me Better, and taken onto an hour long journey of finding oneself, falling in and out of love, and trying to find the balance of life and love and what it means in the chaos of life and relationships. We're always left into a confusion of the aftermath of a breakup, wondering what went wrong, what could've been done different to save what you had with someone you were crazy about; maybe even diving into frustration, paranoia, and a madness of emotions we can't escape from. I highly recommend taking some alone time to really analyze the lyrics and the storytelling played throughout the songs and how they flow together. It creates such an insane and heart wrenching visual, and, maybe, just maybe, make you reflect on the failed romances you've experienced in your own life. It's a tale that makes you want this to work, but in the end, you might move on even though that person is always going to be hanging by a thread in the back of your mind.
photo by @rickydirects
Songs like Paris in the Rain and Comfortable make you feel all the feels when it comes to loving someone, and then slowly but surely as we dive into songs like Paranoid and Enemies, we're drawn into the sorrow and craziness of the ugly side of relationships. The album ends on a reminder that "For as long as I live and as long as I love I will never not think about you", as stated in the finale of Never Not. A piece of art that truly stands out in the pop industry, Lauv surely proves himself on this record as an all around creative individual any artist should aspire to be like. The album is available on Spotify and other streaming services, and available for purchase online and in stores. Lauv is going on tour, and you can see the dates below to see if he's coming to a city near you!
You can follow Lauv on social media by following the link to his site below, and thanks for checking out my site! Want more news like this? Be sure to follow me on instagram and twitter while you're at it and subscribe to my newsletter for the latest music reviews, interviews, photoshoots, and more updates!
Check out the link below to listen to Lauv's newest release now!